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Advanced Branding Techniques

Today’s post is all about advanced branding for your CakeMail site. We’ve included a quick primer below, but feel free to get in touch with our support team to ask a question, or check out our support knowledge base for more details.

Last week we talked about basic branding options to get your site set up and looking beautiful with CakeMail. This week’s post talks about more advanced techniques.

Advanced Colors

The Advanced Colors option gives you more options for branding your site. You will find you can edit in a more specific way than the Basic Colors tab, with things such as the side menu, buttons, dialogs, main tabs and drop down menus.

You will need to enter #HEX codes if you know them, or you can generate colors from your logo. You can also find applications like this one from Brandfolder to extract colors from logos or images.

Custom Style Sheets

The CSS option under Your Site Branding allows you to insert a Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) that will let you completely personalize your site or add further customization after you have made use of Basic and Advanced Branding features.

In Firefox, go to ToolsAdd-ons. In the tab Get Add-ons search for Firebug and click install. You will need to restart Firefox in order to finalize the installation process. Once Firebug is installed, you will have a small bug icon in the bottom right corner of Firefox. If you click on the icon it will bring you the interface for Firebug.

In the Firebug interface, go to the HTML tab. You will then be able to inspect the different elements of the CakeMail interface. On the right side of the Firebug interface, you will be able to see the different CSS classes for the selected element. Using these classes will allow you to further customize your interface in SettingsYour site brandingCSS.

To learn more about Cascading Style Sheets, you can visit W3Schools CSS Tutorial.
You can also learn more about branding your CakeMail interface in our support knowledgebase.

Author Cakemail Support

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