
New Feature: Advanced RSS Tags

By December 20, 2010 No Comments

Some of you may have already used our easy (but somewhat limited) RSS tag feature in your emails. Today, we’ve decided to extend the functionality of this feature and provide you with a set of RSS tags that you can use to enhance the content of your emails.

Previously, you would have integrated an RSS feed using the following merge tag:


As of today, you can control what will be displayed and how it will be displayed. To do so, you have to define a block of content that can be fed with a RSS feed. Here is how you can define the block:

[RSS={your url}] …

Once, you have defined a block for your content, you’re able to use more merge tags that let you display exactly what you want. Here’s the format of these additional merge fields:

[RSS-{your post index}-{your post field}]

You’ll want to note that the post index 0 refers to the most recent post, 1 to the second most recent and so on.

Here is an example using the CakeMail blog feed:

[RSS=] <strong>Check out the latest 3 posts from our blog</strong>
<strong><a href=”[RSS-0-link]”>[RSS-0-title]</a></strong>
[RSS-0-description] <strong><a href=”[RSS-1-link]”>[RSS-1-title]</a></strong>
[RSS-1-description] <strong><a href=”[RSS-2-link]”>[RSS-2-title]</a></strong>
[RSS-2-description] [ENDRSS]

And this is the end result:

Stay tuned for tomorrow’s feature of the day!

Author Cakemail Support

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