Your credit card is automatically charged once a month on the date you purchased your plan. If you purchased your plan on a day that does not occur in every month (such as, the 31st), you'll be billed on the last day of that month instead.
Yes! All nonprofits should try to build and maintain a subscriber list.
Having your own email list allows your organization to directly engage and retain donors and supporters.
Unlike social media, email allows organizations to reach the totality of their subscribers as often as they want. An email list is one of the most valuable assets of a nonprofit.
If you go over your contact limit you will no longer be able to send emails from Cakemail. To continue sending emails you'll need to upgrade your plan or remove some contacts from your account.
We'll let you know when you're close to reaching your limit so you can take the necessary steps to ensure you have enough room for your growing audience.
Cakemail has the tools and support to help businesses and organizations of all sizes grow.
"We’ve been a customer for over 10 years and use Cakemail for its simplicity... The data and analytics provide additional valuable insights and the support service, on the rare occasions we need it, is extremely helpful and efficient."
Darren Ramowski
Managing director
get started with cakemail
Get all the essentials with Cakemail's Free email marketing plan.